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Our Garage Building is a multi-store car park that offers covered parking spots and a catwalk that grants direct access to the new International Terminal (T1) to provide a more comfortable and practical experience to our users.


T1_Inauguracao_Estacionamentos_mapa_eng _1_.png




Period of stay Rate (in local currency)
1st hour R$ 18,00
Up to 2h R$ 23,00
Up to 3h R$ 28,00
Up to 4h R$ 33,00
Up to 5h R$ 38,00
Up to 6h R$ 43,00
Up to 7h R$ 48,00
Up to 8h R$ 53,00
Up to 9h R$ 58,00
From 10h to 17h - single price R$ 63,00
From 18h to 24h - single price R$ 63,00




